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Monday, July 29, 2013

Flipping out on the Island

It's flipping me out to leave the Bay Islands. Last morning on the Roatan and I'm kind of sad to leave.  The weather is wonderful and I will miss the relative cool of this place.   Tomorrow it's back to the world of rushing, stress, and the grab all you can mentality.    I am going to do my best to refocus my attention on what makes me happy and things and people that SHOULD be in my life.

NOW FOR THE RESULTS:  Thanks to all who participated in the "Do you know my color of chair contest".  Even those of you that were woefully wrong.  Many however were correct, the answer RED.
The first correct answer was received from LAC in S'port.  Congratulations on winning the stunning first prize brought to you by the Island of Roatan and the Honduran Government.   Cage not included.

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