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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Taxi, Taxi, Taxi

What do you think the life of a water taxi driver would be like?   I'm thinking pretty calm.  Slowly gliding up and down the coast providing a valued service to the community.  That doesn't sound too bad.  Anyone know how many miles you can get out of a ten gallon can and a 100 horse evinrude?  I would think the biggest question would be...can you make change?   I am also scoping out the security job at the local Bananarama.  My one concern is that the 60 foot stretch of sand I would be patrolling would become a little boring in time.  Still you get to wear a cool duty belt with all kinds of pouches and stuff.  No gun of course but you can put all kinds of things in the holster.   Right now, I guess I am leaning hard on the "Polaroid instant photo" beach photographer.    I mean that is instant gratification for the masses.  Still not sure but will keep looking.

Congrats to JRL for winning the "name that phrase" contest.  I knew someone would know.    The answer....The LAST Whole Earth Catalog.

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