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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Cottonwood Grocery Chogoria Style

Now I’m settled in.  I even got water AND power to the Crib last night.  The decor does remind one of a bombed out Chechnyan village but maybe the landscaper is at the coast, who knows.  My bedroom Mosquito net is just a hair too small for the bed….which means the little bastards have a fighting chance.   So, If anyone comes to visit you might want to bring a roll of duct tape and some anti-malarial breakfast bars.  All in all it’s going pretty well.  I have now been introduced to the “Cottonwood Grocery” of Chogoria.  For those that don’t know.  Cottonwood is the fine little boutique shop in Terlingua.  Rick, I will never complain about pricing again.  Chogoria has the now famous, “Wakalumia Market”.  Comprised of two floors it contains a veritable crap shoot of potential wares.  Dusty, oh yes.  Crowded, elbow to elbow.  A bit sketchy…like a Picasso drawing.   Still one can find a few things like pink ketchup, or 5 year old stevia,  or bag milk on the shelves.   Up stairs is the “hard goods” section with bits and pieces of all sorts of dead U.S. flea market goods.   So, as you can see….the gods have smiled on me.

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