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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Patience and the table monsters

The street sellers are a recurring theme in this part of the world.  Today I broke down and followed the lesson of my teacher from earlier in the week,  John.  I sat and did some very focused negotiations with some of the local clay figure vendors.  The oldest being around 8.  I estimated there must have been around 13 of them at one time.  The photo is the end result of about 40 minutes of barter and the equivalent of about $1.15 us.   The vino tinto took much less time and was a welcome bonus.  Those of you who know me are wondering "RED", is that possible.  The answer is when in Rome do as the Romans do.  Yes, I have found a bit of my red groove.   Will it be imported?  Only time will tell.  FYI, do not be surprised to see these objects in your Christmas stockings this year....  

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