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Monday, May 13, 2013

It has been many years since I have been to San Cristobal de Las Casas in Chiapas.  The old city is nestled in a mountain valley at the beginning of the Maya world.  Indians come on a regular basis to trade the same small textiles and bits of cloth that they have done for centuries.  San Cris has changed enormously over the years.  It's still the small quaint place with cobble stone streets and narrow alleys but it has become a tourist destination of sorts.  The backpacker genre has been pushed out of the town center and it has been replaced with sidewalk cafes and pedestrian streets lined with restaurants
My favorite is the La Vina de Bacco on a narrow side street near the Zocalo.

On Today's schedule is some photography and some writing.  Then off to some of the villages in the countryside.    I am also exploring some new career ops and thought that a candy seller in the plaza seemed like a low stress job.  It allows you to meet people and get outside.  Your thought....

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