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Saturday, May 18, 2013

When you least expect it

Having spent serveal days in San Cristobol de las Casa  I was settled in to a bottle of Cab on the sidewalk at the Bacco Bar.  Much to my surprise the locals had now become locals.  I guess that is the blessing of being in a place for a few days.  All travelers come together eventually and so today it was just that.  I was sitting there with my vino tinto and noticed a young crafts hawker walking by...... Much to my surprise she was sporting a "By Miles" sticker that was left to her or someone else a few days ago.  I am honored beyond words, and today I  see the "Vato" on the basket.    The other highlight was the duo of the harmonica man and the guitarista  ( my word) on the steps outside of Bacco.  Perhaps the words to live by came from Ricci the Italian owner of Bacco...when asked where he was the other day.."I did not come to Mexico to work hard".  He has been here for 11 years and had the bar for 7 years.   A new baby and a smile makes me believe he has found his pace.  To all who are looking for the cadence that makes life.... I salute you...

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