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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Supershine

Sitting at the Bacco this afternoon one has the opportunity to meet a few of the off beat travelers.  John and Nelson were two of those adventurers.  They had spent over three weeks driving the circumference of the state of Chiapas.  Some bribes, and few teddy bears later and they ended up in San Cristobol.   John was about the biggest street urchin push over I have ever seen.  He haggle and laughed and teased everyone of the children that walked by until he decided among other things.....a shoe shine.  Nelson said it was his forth since arriving in town.  They rolled in yesterday evening.  So how many urchins does it take to shine an already spotless centavo loafer you ask?  Seven seems to be a good number.   A toast to John the traveler and the cleanest shoes in the Northern Hemisphere and a lesson that shooing them away may be a lot less fun and finding a few pesos and enjoying the view.

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