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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Ganesh and the Post Office

This lovely  group of ladies showed up early one morning at the truck park.  They were busy trying to dry the colorful red saris they had just finished washing in the sea.  These ladies were on a pilgrimage to worship the Hindu God Ganesh.  The elephant.  Ganesh or his contract workers (elephants) will bless you for about 20 rupees.  You hold out the money and they take if from your hand with their trunks and then touch or slap more often, you on the head.  There you go....blessed.  It reminded me of a pachyderm Benny Hind.  Anyway, these ladies were there to show their respect to Ganesh and have a good time.  As you can see they were anything but camera shy.  They are also pretty good hillbilly dancers but that of course is another story.

Anyone out there wondering where their Christmas cards are will be happy to know I found a post office.  Please overlook the slight delay and from the looks of it....the date on the card.  You may receive your goody sometime late next year from the Rock Fort office in Tamil Nadu....

Next are some remote hill tribes on the way North to Nepal.  For now...I'm living the life of the Raj in Madras sipping an unidentified cocktail on the veranda in a starched white suit and hat.... Ok. no suit but the rest is true...  Namaste my friends.

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