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Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year in India

I can't help but be amazed by the lack concern for the start of the New Year here in Southern India.  Back in Texas the football games are going on and everyone is home from work.  People are making those New Year's resolutions that cause so much stress and making new manilla folders for files that say 2014 on them.  It's not the same here.  There was a big burst of activity on New Year's Eve but now life is back to normal.  The shops and restaurants on Karbala beach never missed a beat.  Granted this is their busy time of the year but still  the slower pace isn't a bad thing sometimes.

My trip has only hit just a few pieces of the coast of Western India.  I can't imagine how much deserted isolated beach lay hidden in the thick jungle down the coast.  It would not be an easy adventure to get to those places but I have a feeling it would be worth it.  Tomorrow we are heading to the absolute tip of India to enjoy the sunrise and the tip of the Sub Continent.  I'm looking forward to that.

This year I will make no lists, no resolutions, and no year goals.  The funny thing is that I could use the ones from years past.   You know....drop a few pounds, get in shape, quit procrastinating,  invest better, and be a better person.  They never seem to get off the list.  So....this year I have no list.  Instead....I'm going to eat what makes me happy, move only when something excites me,  practice selective laziness, spend my money when I want to, and stop hanging around people who aren't positive, loving, and make me laugh.    I have a feeling that radical direction change may be the answer.... As soon as I figure out the question, I will let you know.  Until then I wish you all every joy and happiness you can dream of and hope that everyone will practice uncontrolled radical limitless dreaming in the next 12 months.  Until next time from the other side of the world.

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