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Friday, January 31, 2014

Good bye Darjeeling

Saying good bye to Darjeeling was very hard.  It is a wonderful city and continues to hold on to some of the colonial charm of the British Raj.  It’s a city that  I will return to one day and spend more time.  I only barely scratched the surface of the place.  Darjeeling had a wonderful send off for me as it revealed Mt. Kuchenjunga for the first time all week.  Looking at the 3rd highest mountain in the world from my hotel window was a big treat on the last morning.   It is breathtaking to see how massive and regal these mountains are in the morning sun.  Time for a new adventure and some overlanding to Karmi Farm.  A place owned by a British fellow with ties to India that go back generations.  One thing about Karmi Farm is that it is not easy to get to.  It took four hours by jeep on some of the roughest roads I have ever seen.  They were steep and narrow and about half had been washed out leaving you to navigate a road with only a couple of inches between the rocks on one side and 500 feet of cliff on the other.  Not to mention heavy machinery that was tearing up portions of the road and required another near death move to get around them.  This time trusting your life to the newly moved loose earth. Next time,  I will have some great photos of this process because I will not be inside that jeep anymore on those crossings of faith.  So If I owe anyone money don’t panic...I will get out of this alive.

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