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Monday, January 6, 2014

Sunrise at the Tip of India

It took us a while to get here but it was worth it.  After spending a few days at some beautiful beaches farther North, it was time to get back into the real India.  Kanyakumari is the real India.  Located in the state of Tamil Nadu it is the farthest point South in the Country and a place were oceans collide.  It is also a very special and spiritual place for the all of India.  There is a grand Temple complex and huge statue just off the shore that can only be reached by boat.  Each morning thousands of Indians line up on the shore to welcome the sun and pray to the Tamil and Hindu gods about a millions things.   Hindu Holy Men line the small area by the sea and pray dressed in traditional Holy Garb.  It's a little intimidating to be one of very few westerners packed into this sea of humanity.

One thing this gathering brought to me was the clear and undisputable fact that we are most often a bunch of putz's when it comes to religion and belief.  The world is full of wonderful people and different religions.  The enormous majority live in peace and harmony with the rest of mankind.  Everyone deserves to live and believe what they want as long as they do not harm or infringe on the security and happiness of others.  Being on at the beach this morning reminded me that it is a huge diverse world and....it's still only one world.    There is no place for hatred or racism based on color, creed, or beliefs.  We have to understand that being diverse and multicultural is the greatest gift we have ever been given.  

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