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Thursday, October 2, 2014

Musings from the End of the Road

Everyone wonders what they will think about when they get to the end of the road.  I know I did.  But with the help of my trusty sitting apparatus that I now refer to as 1299, I was able to ponder and then simply enjoy the view.  The Pine Canyon road and the perfect end of that road at Pine Canyon trailhead.   Another hidden find in Big Bend.

In the evening I was pondering the questions of life at another wonderful spot that has become my outdoor crib of late.  As I was sitting there this tiny owl stopped by just as he did the night before.  What you can't see from this photo is this little guy is about 6 inches tall.  Really.  He or she, I'm not sure how to figure that one out but it must have been fresh out of the nest because it was only about 5 feet from me.  Humm.  End of the road and meeting the wise....ok, not so old...owl, What is life telling me?  Later in the day I decided to drive the East River road.   Well something told me that there might be a river at the end of it.  After 22 miles of hot boring driving on awful dirt roads only to find no end and no river.  I did find some choice real estate however that seemed to be cheap.  A fixer upper you say.....indeed.  Could that be the message I was supposed to get from the owl and the end of the road?   Real estate.....  Any thoughts?

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