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Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Simplicity of Choice

Complications, simplicity, over generalization, self awareness, despair,
overwhelmenization (my word), and my favorite...ENOUGH.  It seems we don’t have control anymore.  All of the “extra fees” of life seem to drive the bus.  You can’t just show up and have your bag and your toothbrush and your wine opener anymore.  Someone is trying to profile you and take your stuff away from you. In the metaphorical sense unless you live in Houston, then they are doing it for real.   So it’s back to choices...go or stay, say yes or say no, call or don’t call,  do or don’t.  If you think about it, the choices are simple.  They really are.  You already know the answers to all of the questions you are asking?  You just can’t simplify and make your choice.  Too much bullshit getting in the way.  Too much of “you” getting in the way.   So perhaps we should start with the things we know for sure.

Things I know for sure

Kissing is a lost art
You should play out the third set
Grandma doesn’t always mean that
Always use a flame with Creme Brulee not the oven
You can do anything you want or come damn close if try
Actions speak louder than words
Always put milk in your scrambled eggs
Rabbits and deer really do have a death wish
One friend is worth a thousand acquaintances
Slow is better than fast most of the time
We are all one people no matter what they say
We are not alone.  They have just decided they don’t need our stupidity 
Silence is golden
It’s never too late to have the best day of our life
Old people have sex too
Always make your bed

Please feel free to add.  After all the choice really is yours...

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