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Monday, December 1, 2014

Never Settle

What is it about a good glass of wine and some fancy cheese that makes you feel like an aristocrat?   Any of you aristocrats feel free to comment.     A small table, a red table cloth and yes I know the checkered variety is preferred but its that storage issue...., and a comfortable chair or at least a chair.   It’s always been fascinating how often the “road less traveled”, as yielded that little pot of gold.   This amazing spot was courtesy of my buddy in Terlingua who spent 27 years as a river ranger.  A box canyon with a huge shelter cave lined with rock art.  I will have to take his word on the art as the aristocrat in me chose to indulge in the wine instead of the cultural history.  I feel the shame rising in my bones.  But it was perfect vino so...   Salud to my Native American ancestors.  

It’s tempting to launch into a diatribe about choices, or never letting the “other things” get in the way... but I’m going to spare you the free advice..which is of course worth the price you pay, and just say.....  If it’s shade and you want sun?  Move on.....If it’s rocky and you aren’t building a fence,  then try a few feet farther....  If the view isn’t the best....drive a little more....if your wine is warm and it’s not the way you like it....open the other damn bottle.

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