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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Last Day

One Last Day

If you spend a little time looking back on the last 364 days you often find that there are patterns that tend to repeat themselves.  Some are good and others are not so good.  Every year I end up reflecting on those the other 364 days usually on the last one.  Today being the last one is no different.  The last Texas frontier was good to me today.  I floated out of the country for awhile and had lunch in Mexico, then enjoyed the aftermath huge ice and snow storm up high in the Chisos Mountains.  Now I’m sipping a glass of wine and wondering about patterns and corners and such.  It’s almost hard to believe that I will “reboot” some things tomorrow.  I try to do it from time to time but there really is something about new year.  It almost feels like you get a free pass to start things over with a New Year.  I’m not much on resolutions because I seem to never be happy with the results.  Even on those rare years where I did try to stay the course on a few....even if only for a few weeks.  2014 I did a bunch of just throwing things to the wind and letting the universe sort out my issues.  Let the truth be told that the universe did a pretty good job.  I’m thinking much better than all the planning and strategies from the best You Tube guru’s.  I just placed my bet and if I won, I let it ride.  If I lost, I went to another table.   Since we are such a phone savvy society.  I will try to put it in a language we can all understand.  My year if it was texted to you..

Lot’s of Travel :)

Lot’s of Sex :(

New Friends :)

Making a difference :)

Romance :)

Old Friends :(

Bank Account :(

Not needing that shit :)

Feeding habits :(

Guilt about it :)

Living in beauty :)

Stress Level :)

La Crema availability :)

Blood Pressure Meds :(

Liver function  :) 

More Tolerance :)

Reinventing my Life :)

Understanding What is Important :)

So as you can see, I have had another wonderful year.  Even by text standards.  Well, I must say I would have like to turn that frown upside down on a few....LOL.  What ever happened to talking to the person you wanted to communicate with in person or at least by phone.  LOL  OMG LMAO

I hope all of you have a wonderful New Year and find all the things you have missed in the coming year.  My quest is to find another level of understanding about myself and my destiny so I’m going to be making a few magnificent changes in the next one.  I wish you all a dry road in deep snow, no cavities on the next visit, and someone to scratch your back when you need it most.   Farewell  and Much happiness.

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