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Friday, December 12, 2014

Ranger Rick and Plastic Babies

I have always enjoyed teaching.  Yes, it’s true.  My teaching resume includes, well some tennis, emergency medical stuff, substituting, scuba diving, English, YES, English., swimming, and a kindergarten science fair.  Those of you who have pending law suits against me in any of those disciplines as a result of malpractice, please stop reading.   I have come to the certain conclusion that the old saying is right as it applies to me,.....jack of all trades and master of none...or is it... those who can do, do and those who can’t...well you know that one....   Well, I can speak passable English with some help.   

As always, I am just a step ahead of the malpractice judgement and it was no different this last week when I spent three days teaching National Park Rangers the finer points of airway management, rapid trauma assessment, and of course child birth.  Nothing seems to twist up a single late twenties something guy more than delivering a baby or even the practice that is required to “keep current”. Maybe it’s worse if they carry a gun.  It was no different in my class either.  The females seem to have the concept completely wired even those who have not taken that ride yet.  Men only have kidney stones to compare.  Guys look just like you would think they look, clumsy and awkward and totally out of place.  Still, there is some glow to them when they finally execute the plan and hold up the lifeless, pale, non breathing form made of silicone and rubber and declare, “it’s a boy! or girl, maybe”?  

They all were really good so if you decide to come out to Big Bend and have a car wreck or maybe give birth, go ahead but tell them you know me so they will pay a little more attention.  

Viva Terlingua

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