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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Fear Fandango

When was the last time you tried something you have never done before?  What was it, if you did?  Do you even remember?  Most of us are pretty good at it when we are young.  It's kind of easy really, everything is new.  It's giving it a shot when you get older that is a bit more daunting.  It became very clear to me Saturday morning at a public ice skating rink in Colorado.  Watching an adult learn to ice skate is serious spectator sport.  The facial  expressions, the fear, the pain of the landing all come to together in a moment I call the "Fear Fandango".  The moment with arms failing and feet scrambling to keep the the ship upright only to ultimately lose the fight.  The moment of truth then is really not the mastery of the task but the resolve to keep trying.  This law of achievement is not new.  But as you can see the respect of the effort is not bound my age, gender, nationality, or ability.  Maybe it's time you took the young fearless spirit that is buried inside of you for a mach III drive around block.  Remember....chicks dig scares.


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