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Friday, December 21, 2012

Life of Passion

School is over.  I already miss it.  Alas, I was not to the sufficient level to perform my alternativa against "Conquistador".  (Thank God).  It was one of the most interesting and delightful things I have ever done.  The shear power of passion made all of this possible.  Fred Renk.  The memories and trappings of a life in the sport cover the walls of the ranch.  The suites of lights worn by his son, David Renk are placed with honor in the middle of the room.  No matter what you think of the spectacle you can't take away the fact that it is as old as we are.  Man against beast.  Take it for the spectacle I would urge you.  Bloodless bullfighting is an art and is moving the sword away from the age old event.  Like all things it will change or die.  No one knows which way the bullfight will go.    I encourage everyone to go out and enjoy the ride,  "OLE"!

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