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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

A Matter of Movement

Today was the day of movement.  A trip from Patzcuaro to Zihua on the coast.  Those who know me understand that I don't like to rush anywhere.  No OJ running, no jumping into taxis, no begging to get on a bus or a plane.  So, you can imagine my mild concern when at breakfast I glanced at the bus ticket I had so proudly bought the day at the bus station itself.  Somehow the smiling lady behind the counter just assumed that my first class ticket from Moreila to Zihua was enough.  And yes those of you with a globe will realize that Moreilia is about an hour from Patz,.  Mild panic and extreme frustration set in immediately at my lack of "seasoning" for not looking at the bus ticket   With all that griping me I ran into a 2 kilometer line of 9 years olds taking up the sidewalk as I was hustling to get back to try to make the Moreila connection.  Hundreds of kid, girls and boys all the same age and dressed the same.  Shit.  What just happened to me....?  

Yes, the connection was made and my ride  was a super fine Autovias bus.  I mean it rivaled any first class upgrade without the wine.  TV, games, foot boards, AC, and wide enough seats for a gringo hombre.  The good life.  Anyone who as ever traveled on the Primero Classe bus in Mexico knows what I am talking about.  Lux all the way.  My favorite feature was the his and hers banos.  Yes ladies no more sharing.  One of your own.  It looked like it came out of the Space X waiting room.  All was perfect until it was time to leave the private comforts of the bano.  The most intimidating feature of the WC was the enormous red light and it's mysterious button.  Believe me, nothing was obvious.  As I was being battered down the road,  I realized that I had no idea how to flush this space age beast.  Wast it the red light?  Maybe...or was the red light the emergency stop for the bus?  or even worst as I saw in India?  A faded red lever that opened up the bottom of the train to allow drainage or doubled as an emergency escape hatch in the event of an unfortunate train mishap.   Fact of the matter was it was hot as hell in there and I was worried that some passenger in need would be waiting outside wondering what the gringo found so amusing about the bus toilet.  Yes, I pushed it.  And no the bus didn't stop or I wasn't ejected through the floor.  Remember....there is nothing to fear but fear itself.  Just make sure you hold onto the door handle before you take the plunge.  Coastal exploration is on the agenda.  

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