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Monday, June 27, 2016

Two way Street

Two things always seem to come to mind in the street life of different places in the world.  The resilience and creativity of people and the hard and often times inspirational  struggle of street life in general.  Last night I was privaledged  to watch a street food hawker making and selling individual hand made pizzas.  He created this amazing "rig" that had a three wheeled motor bike, a serving and condiment area, an internal pizza oven, all sorts of awnings and covers to protect him from the rain and great looking pizza.  All done by himself for the most part and then he folds up and drives away to who knows where.  Amazing.  Then there is Pablo the street dog.  Yes, a dog.  I have watched this dog work the street over the last few days and I am humbled at his considerable skills.  Tonight he did his sad eye thing and managed a few bits of meat from my "Tacos Arrierios".  Yes, stop and breath.  I give the dog some food.  I watched him go from tail wagging to sad eyes, to back to close contact petting and then run off when he saw a group of girls he knew.  Hoping for a better deal.... Asshole.  So...I know its the street, right.  Hurt feelings aside.  He came back did his thing and then was gone.  You have to continue the hustle when you live on the street.  2000 Singapore.... I know a brother when I see one.  So....here is a raised glass to all the women and men working hard tonight.  And to the everyone who as ever been the privileged traveler.  Never be rude...never look down...never ever lose respect.... mañana ....

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