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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Portofino in Patzcuaro

It's always an adventure to wander around a new place and find cuisine that has little or nothing to do with the culture you are in.  Maybe it's Chinese in Guatemala or Mexican food in Hanoi.  It's usually got a little different twist.  Tonight it was Italian in Patzcuaro brought to you by Alejandro.  Owner, chef, waiter, bartender, and dishwasher.  The food was awesome and if anyone every heads this direction I would completely recommend it.  Just a 100 yards off the main plaza on the Southeastern corner.  It was a fitting ending to a day that saw the plaza closed all morning for teacher protests.  The same one's that ended in violence a couple of days ago in Guerrero state next door.  Three dead in that one.  Tomorrow is the Pacific Coast and some hotter weather. 

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