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Sunday, August 14, 2016

RIP Old Friend

Taxco was hopping last night.  I’m not sure what the festival was but it was great.  Lot’s of people chasing each other around the plaza with these big animal figures all on fire with fireworks.  A few got away from them into the crowd which made it interesting.  This big tower came alive with fireworks that were over in about 20 seconds.  A crazy amount of work for just a few seconds.  All of it could have been out of a festival a hundred years ago.  

In honor of the festival I decided to make a change.  Brief I’m sure but a change.  I said good bye to a friend that has been with me for about 40 years.  Most of you have never known me without him around.  He was some maintenance and could cause some trouble sometimes, but most of the time he was just there for me.   There was some apprehension to see him go I have to admit, and the feel of him not being there has not settled in yet.  RIP my old friend.  I’m sure we will be seeing each other again up the road.  

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