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Friday, August 5, 2016

Millions of Gatos

Back in Zihua means back on La Ropa Beach.  Which means cheap massage.  When school is out, which means millions of kids, which means crowds of every variety.  In August, which means "temp...feels like 106 today".   So deciding to follow the advice of a new friend, Francisco who is the manager of La Perla restaurant, Los Gatos Beach was today destination.

Arriving I found the entire state of Guerrero had decided to come to Los Gatos Beach today.  The beach is tiny with only a few yards of sand before it hits rock and corral.  I'm not sure how those folks even got there since I was told there were no roads to the beach.  Hum.....maybe a "gotcha gringo" on that one.  The recommended restaurant was found and Marco the waiter turned out to be Antonio not Marco.  Los Gatos was the most crowded beach I had ever seen.  We are talking density of humans per square foot.  Amazing.

 Full bands, guitar players, hoola hoopers, musicians singing BREAD classics and a one man band.  It was all there.   But a short time in that chaos was enough.  It was a hike out in my cheap Mexican water shoes in "feels like 106 Temperatures".   Back to the AC on La Ropa and all that goes with it.   If you get a chance to go to Los Gatos beach some time.  Don't.  

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