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Friday, August 22, 2014

To Radical Self Expression

All is now complete.  I thought I was short on Tequila for the margarita machine so it was good to get up and get that out of the way.  Crap.  I already forgot something.  LOL.  Now, just waiting for the Fiasco crew to roll in which could be a wait.  Starting to get my  Playa Groove on now.  High winds forecast for this afternoon which means....DUSTY PLAYA for sure.  Well, it's good to get acclimated early I guess.   Henry and the Peace Bus drove all the way from North Carolina.  Five folks this year went with him. Wow.  That would be the life.  LOL.  I am going to be experimenting to see if it's possible for anyone to eat 312 lbs of food and junk.  I think that is close to what I bought yesterday.

Yes, thats me almost in Playa mode.  Looking a little clean but still rumpled.  A peaceful morning watching the burners assemble for provisions.  I do love this event.  Nothing is bought or sold except Ice and coffee.  Everything is gifted and given.   It sounds funny but it really just seems that should be how the world should be.  You could just show up and stay for the week and have nothing with you and you would be taken care of.  Everyone gets along, and you are free to do and be whoever or is it (or whomever)

you want.  So, if you ever get the chance to go or want to RAT POOL let me know.  From the sound of it things are changing so better make your plans.  Peace and Love to all.....  

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Parking Lot Prep

One of the best parts of Burning Man is the preparation and excitement in Fernley.  For a few days each year the Walmart in Fernley becomes a complete circus.  Tons of people buying everything under the sun.  Some are already in Costume.  It’s just amazing to see the mutant vehicles and supplies all tied, piled, and taped to every kind of vehicle from rainbow VW buses to huge semi tractors with pirate ships on the back.   Walmart has always been flexible with the use of their parking lot but this group was my favorite.  It looks like these dudes want to get a jump on some last minute construction.  Jumping off tomorrow into Caravansary 2014.  Maybe a post or two from the playa if the station is up.  Oh, and thanks for the suggestions on DOWN WITH DAVE challenge.  I did manage a nice outside slider before I left the campground.  It didn’t connect but I know Dave will take notice next time I pull in.

Assassinating Dave and Bears

Tonight I’m on bear watch.  That’s right smokey is in the woods just out of sight.  I found a wonderful place to camp in the tall pines above Lake Tahoe.  I have already had the long and deep conversation with myself about why the hell am I living in Texas.  Anyway, the camp guard lady said under no circumstances do I leave food in the Rat or my truck.   The bears are really bad and come just about every night.  She said put everything in the bear box.  Well, I’m not sure what kind of damage these bears would do but they would have to work at it to equal the damage my extra large Yeti cooler filled with ice and food did to my body getting it out of the truck.  I think I would give even odds on bear vs. yeti.  Any thoughts.

During my prep for “Night of the Grizzly”, I got a serious ass kicking by a pair of blue jays that were not happy at all with my choice of campsites.  First, they were as big as feral cats.  I say cats because in my world, cats are only one step up from spiders on the “could do without list”.   I was dive bombed and squawked  at for about an hour before they left to a rest or something.  Here is a picture of “Dave”.  I say Dave because I have a number of Dave’s in my past that were not my favorite folks.   This is not a Sara Beam bird photo.  I don’t have to patience or talent to take them and as you now know, I’m not fond of birds either.  Unless I see them in a Beam photo.   The reason I am posting this photo is I am soliciting advice on how to assassinate Dave.  That’s right I’m going to murder him tomorrow.  Realize I am without the normal Dave killing weapons.  NO, I don’t want to relocate Dave, I want him dead.  I am going to Burning Man to find peace and harmony....however....I am not there yet.   So, I could build a slingshot, I could bait and drop the Yeti cooler on him, I could just shoot him but the firearm I brought might get the neighbors a little nervous.  Besides I might need the ammo for the projected siege of the bears.  So, feel free to send in your advice and suggestions.  Consider this the start of the “DOWN WITH DAVE” Challenge similar to the ALS ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE.  

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Eastern Sierra and Rats

It was a long road day today but as always it was worth the drive.  There is something magical about the Eastern side of the Sierras.  The difference between the East and West is not huge in distance but the ecosystems are galaxies apart.  Yosemite and Kings Canyon are filled with green and cliffs and domes and huge trees in the West  and the East is brown and rocky and purple in the sun.  One of the biggest differences is the number of people.  The Eastern side is mainly filled with tourists who wondered why they went to death valley and are now trying to get to the other side so they can join everyone else.  They miss the beauty and desolation that is here.  CA 395 is the road and I would recommend it all the way.  Little towns filled with characters who choose to live in this world dot the highway as you head North.   I'm in the biggest of those towns right now.. Bishop, CA.  Mostly, outdoor shops and motels to cater to the flow of tourists heading West in Bishop.   It was shower and Chinese night so no forest for me.  I love Bishop but things always change.  I can't seem to find the Mountain Light Gallery.  I think it's gone.  I guess everyone forgets and moves on from even Galen Rowell photography At the motel the receptionist lady was a Burner and understood how important it is the keep the Rat close.  Take a look.  Tomorrow is forest again and then on to Reno.....  I'm putting it all on Black and then to Black Rock City and home.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Jerome I'm Home

I’m not sure the road less traveled has been better to me than today.  The Northern part of the Gila Wilderness in New Mexico and the National Forests of the Eastern Arizona are spectacular.  I can’t believe I have never been here before.  Certainly, I will return.  I’m writing this from the most perfect Campsite on earth.  About 8,000 feet up over looking a valley towards the West were you can see for 40 miles at least.  It’s 58 degrees I’m soaking up every degree of this magic. 

The highlight of the day and trip so far was Jerome, Arizona.  A trusted friend told me about it some time ago and told me that it might suit my fancy.  Were they ever right.  Jerome used to be an old Copper mining town in the middle of nowhere.  It nestled in   about 5500 feet above the rolling landscape about 45 minutes from Prescott.  The copper ran out years ago so it became a ghost town.  Maybe that is why it was going to suit my fancy.  Past lives and all.  Only about 450 people live in the little ghost town that has now become a day trip for tourists.  Jerome is now an artist colony with some amazing works floating around.  I managed to get the rat up the very steep hill into town and found a place to park it.  Then to my surprise I found a very good glass of Chardonnay and a chat with my buddy Steve.  Steve retired to Jerome  a year or so ago and will I think he is not a bad guy, I would call him a little sour.  What he did do for me, other than replacing the glass with the fly in it, was introduce me to John.  John owns the House of Joy.  The place used to be the town brothel back in the old days which may account for the name.  John used to be a world renowned chef.  He came to Jerome in 1967 for reasons that only John and other people who would live in Jerome would understand.  He opened a restaurant that would become one of the top 50 restaurants in the US.  He cooked for John Wayne, Audrey Hepburn, James Caan, and Lauren Bacall.  They would travel from Phoenix to eat his food.  With only 5 tables and being open two days a week, I would say you would be lucky to get a seat.  Anyway, John was the world’s most enthusiastic cyclist until the day a car ran over him.  That ended his chef days because he can’t stand for a long time and he refused to let anyone else do his art.  John still cycles every day.....every day  50 miles to Sedona.  He meets his mates at 3:30 am... every day and does this ride. The restaurant is gone and now is a rather eclectic boutique much like John’s personality   He lives in the back of the building just like he has for 47 years.  Oh, did I mention he was 91 and I’m sure I threw in, “every day!” somewhere along the way.    Jerome may well enter into my future someday.  It certainly does suit my fancy.

Tire of Death

Have you every started a trip wondering how it was going to end.  I mean most trips we  take have some plan.  A beginning with planned stuff along the way and then the sad return to whatever you normally do.  Right?  Well, this run to Caravansary 2014 has a vague plan but no real ending or solid beginning.  It feels a little up in the air.  It’s pretty easy to tell because I have dogged along and actually leaving.  I was going to go to poke around some strange places I have not been to and see what was out there.  So after some groove artwork from G and L after some lunch I finally decided to pull the trigger and head out.  Multiple stops and 4 hours later I was just leaving Ft. Worth on my way to the Sandhills.  I hate the first few of hours pulling the Rat and the Boat. I’m so puckered up with all the movement and noises that I am worn out.  Usually nothing goes wrong and I just get a self beating.  Not this time.  I had a rear blow out at about 1030 PM going 70 mph in the middle of nowhere.  The Semi that was tailgating me missed me by a foot or so going by and I was fishtailing all over the road.  NEWS FLASH:  If you see people on the side of the road for whatever reason please move over.  I will never stay in the nearest lane to them again.  Ever.  It’s very hard to fight a flat and dodge high speed projectiles too.  Also, I will be taking up a collection of about 17 cents per person to widen the emergency strip to the width of a real vehicle.  The interstate I was on did not have a wide enough piece of surface to change the tire.  Nice.  Your tax dollars at work.    The photo is the one of the newest and cleanest member of my Burning Man family.  Marathon ST 205 R75 15.  My new ultra expensive “spare”.  

I did manage to get to the Sandhills outside Odessa before dawn but barely.  With my new friend Marathon I decided to leave the big road for some blue line highway and have found some wonderfully beautiful scenery in the Gila Wilderness of New Mexico.  Working my way Northwest tomorrow and Jerome.  It seems that road travel is life in many ways....stay tuned for that 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Bound for Burning Man, Hello Black Rock City

Well, its time.  Heading off in an hour or so Caravansary 2014 at Burning Man.  I'm excited but kind of strange feeling about the long 2000 mile drive.  There is always that apprehension that comes with pulling the Rat a long distance.  I feel like I have duct taped and wired all this very  heavy stuff on a balsa wood dog sleigh.  You always wonder when you do this stuff by yourself if you hooked, closed, latched or saw all the stuff that could get you in trouble.  I guess you only know when you get to the open road.  This is why I would never every put one of those kit airplanes or helicopters together.  I would just never be sure.

The route this year will take me through the Gila National Forest and Silver City then a detour up to Jerome Arizona.  Its an old mining town that has turned into a hippie artist colony.  I will be looking for hitchers of course.  Then this year will take me up CA 385 on the Eastern side of the Sierras and through Bishop.  I will make the pilgrimage to Mountain Light Gallery again.  Mountain Light is Galen Rowel's gallery.  The best and almost the first adventure photographer ever.  He died in a small plane crash a few years ago but his work lives on.  Then Carson City and Reno followed by Fernley and meeting my camp bro's in the Walmart Parking lot.  Yes, I'm excited about the Walmart parking lot.  I'm even more excited about the 100 miles from there to Black Rock City.  If you have never gone to Burning Man, come next year.  You will have the time of your life.  

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Caravansary....Burning Man 2014

The Burn plan for 2014 turned out to be a major disaster.  Time to go down to the wire and retool the mutant vehicle process.  OMG.  I swore I would never do that again.  August and 101 today.  Skeeters big as sparrows and redneck rubberneckers.

 Well, so much for the never statement.  Changes to the Playa Pharaoh are kind of major.  It was a comedy of errors trying to do this modification solo.   I think it will look good and maybe this time I won't bring back half of the Playa on the trailer.

"No matter what your resources, the world is yours to the exact degree that you can summon up the fortitude and the faith to leave orthodoxy and convention behind and invent your own life. "  

My favorite quote.  To all those night owls, young an old working on their boats tonight.