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Friday, August 22, 2014

To Radical Self Expression

All is now complete.  I thought I was short on Tequila for the margarita machine so it was good to get up and get that out of the way.  Crap.  I already forgot something.  LOL.  Now, just waiting for the Fiasco crew to roll in which could be a wait.  Starting to get my  Playa Groove on now.  High winds forecast for this afternoon which means....DUSTY PLAYA for sure.  Well, it's good to get acclimated early I guess.   Henry and the Peace Bus drove all the way from North Carolina.  Five folks this year went with him. Wow.  That would be the life.  LOL.  I am going to be experimenting to see if it's possible for anyone to eat 312 lbs of food and junk.  I think that is close to what I bought yesterday.

Yes, thats me almost in Playa mode.  Looking a little clean but still rumpled.  A peaceful morning watching the burners assemble for provisions.  I do love this event.  Nothing is bought or sold except Ice and coffee.  Everything is gifted and given.   It sounds funny but it really just seems that should be how the world should be.  You could just show up and stay for the week and have nothing with you and you would be taken care of.  Everyone gets along, and you are free to do and be whoever or is it (or whomever)

you want.  So, if you ever get the chance to go or want to RAT POOL let me know.  From the sound of it things are changing so better make your plans.  Peace and Love to all.....  

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