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Monday, August 18, 2014

Jerome I'm Home

I’m not sure the road less traveled has been better to me than today.  The Northern part of the Gila Wilderness in New Mexico and the National Forests of the Eastern Arizona are spectacular.  I can’t believe I have never been here before.  Certainly, I will return.  I’m writing this from the most perfect Campsite on earth.  About 8,000 feet up over looking a valley towards the West were you can see for 40 miles at least.  It’s 58 degrees I’m soaking up every degree of this magic. 

The highlight of the day and trip so far was Jerome, Arizona.  A trusted friend told me about it some time ago and told me that it might suit my fancy.  Were they ever right.  Jerome used to be an old Copper mining town in the middle of nowhere.  It nestled in   about 5500 feet above the rolling landscape about 45 minutes from Prescott.  The copper ran out years ago so it became a ghost town.  Maybe that is why it was going to suit my fancy.  Past lives and all.  Only about 450 people live in the little ghost town that has now become a day trip for tourists.  Jerome is now an artist colony with some amazing works floating around.  I managed to get the rat up the very steep hill into town and found a place to park it.  Then to my surprise I found a very good glass of Chardonnay and a chat with my buddy Steve.  Steve retired to Jerome  a year or so ago and will I think he is not a bad guy, I would call him a little sour.  What he did do for me, other than replacing the glass with the fly in it, was introduce me to John.  John owns the House of Joy.  The place used to be the town brothel back in the old days which may account for the name.  John used to be a world renowned chef.  He came to Jerome in 1967 for reasons that only John and other people who would live in Jerome would understand.  He opened a restaurant that would become one of the top 50 restaurants in the US.  He cooked for John Wayne, Audrey Hepburn, James Caan, and Lauren Bacall.  They would travel from Phoenix to eat his food.  With only 5 tables and being open two days a week, I would say you would be lucky to get a seat.  Anyway, John was the world’s most enthusiastic cyclist until the day a car ran over him.  That ended his chef days because he can’t stand for a long time and he refused to let anyone else do his art.  John still cycles every day.....every day  50 miles to Sedona.  He meets his mates at 3:30 am... every day and does this ride. The restaurant is gone and now is a rather eclectic boutique much like John’s personality   He lives in the back of the building just like he has for 47 years.  Oh, did I mention he was 91 and I’m sure I threw in, “every day!” somewhere along the way.    Jerome may well enter into my future someday.  It certainly does suit my fancy.

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