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Sunday, August 10, 2014

Caravansary....Burning Man 2014

The Burn plan for 2014 turned out to be a major disaster.  Time to go down to the wire and retool the mutant vehicle process.  OMG.  I swore I would never do that again.  August and 101 today.  Skeeters big as sparrows and redneck rubberneckers.

 Well, so much for the never statement.  Changes to the Playa Pharaoh are kind of major.  It was a comedy of errors trying to do this modification solo.   I think it will look good and maybe this time I won't bring back half of the Playa on the trailer.

"No matter what your resources, the world is yours to the exact degree that you can summon up the fortitude and the faith to leave orthodoxy and convention behind and invent your own life. "  

My favorite quote.  To all those night owls, young an old working on their boats tonight.

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