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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Saigon Taxi

Have you ever felt like you just wanted to yell....I mean loud!  That's me right now.  Yelling.  Being the level headed, sensitive, seasoned, and laid back traveler that I am, I still have a few tiny things that get me rilled up.   Yes, I realize it's not pretty but I'm going to get some help for it.  I promise.  TAXIS are my biggest pet peeve on earth.  I seem to have some kind of deep dark evil past with a cheeping taxi driver.   While my previous history includes a minor scuffle in NYC, getting out in the rain in Shreveport, LA, getting out in the worse part of a Mexican barrio, along with various shouting and yelling confrontations over the years, I don't consider myself that hard to deal with.  I just want to be treated fairly.  Is that too much to ask?  Today was a return trip back to my hotel that costs 4 times the price of the original trip.  Same route.  And yes this Taxis had a meter.   The only trouble was this meter was moving so fast that it looked like the screen on the 1000 penny pay outs for a one cent slot machine.  We are talking NASA altitude fast.  I was at the original price before we got 50 feet from where he picked me up.   When I question him about it he told me in broken English that we were taking the long way back to my hotel.  Well, hit me with a frying pan...that was good news.  All I could think of to do was pull out a pen and write down every number I could find.  Of course he had no ID like the first cab.  I wrote down his current radio station, the phone number, is vehicle number which was more like the expiration date and then made up a few for good measure.  I mumble trip advisor, tourist police, regular police, US embassy and really none of those seemed to rattle him.  In the end I paid the fair of course.  That will show him.  Now I'm cranky and stressed and in need of a cocktail. I bet he will think twice about ripping me off again.
  I'm walking from now on.  

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