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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Hoi An

Not far from the booming modern city of Da Nang is the city of Hoi An.  Hoi An is one of the oldest cities in Vietnam and not far from Hue.  Hue was the ancient capitol of the Kingdom and the site of one of the bloodiest battles in the "American War".   Today Hoi An has managed to keep a good bit of it's old architecture  in the old section of the town.  Despite being overrun with tourists it's still a charming little place.  It's also a woman's clothes paradise.  I'm not sure why this place has so many tailors and clothing shops but you would never have to go to the mall again if you were here.  It's all on the street.  So far my favorite part of Hoi An....other than the tiny pool at the hotel is Leng Sao.   A small restaurant that overlooks the ferry stop on the river.  After sitting there and pondering world shaking questions with my young friends Lauren and Richard from the UK, I turn my thoughts to why all of those people are getting on the ferries when they have motorbikes and there are two bridges within sight.  No I'm not going to launch into another story of intrigue ...but what about a courier crossing on the ferry...OK. sorry.  I'm sure there is a reason but no one seems to be willing to tell a westie.   Maybe I will get a bottle of snake wine and the path will become more clear.  This is actually the most awful thing that I have seem.  These idiots are destroying the populations of endangered reptiles purely for tourist shock value.  No ancient rituals going on  here just dumb people buying them to do a Facebook shocker selfie.    The mechanical black cloud continues on this journey with not only a computer down but my favorite lens has not bit the dust.   The list of electronic, mechanical,  cyber type gremlins biting my ankles is a long one but I will continue to endeavor to persevere.   Hoi An is worth a stop and make sure you get the street Loa Cacu.  A fried shredded pork dish with mint, noodle, and a chili jam.

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