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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Night Train to Hanoi

What is it about trains that still holds some magic.  I mean I remember when it was fun to fly.  Everyone was all dressed up and people treated you like Kings and Queens.  OMG the days of free cocktails?  Did that really happen? Now it’s worse than the old greyhound station.  How about those 5 dollar peanuts or paying more for a beer than you would at a baseball game?   Well, I still hold a soft spot in my heart for train travel.  Sure, the cabins are small and usually crowded.  At least on the ones I can afford to travel on and the berths are narrow and about an inch to short for this guy.   Well and of course there is the guarantee that if there is an upper berth it’s going to be mine.  Getting in and out of that thing for the midnight toilet break is not even remotely easy.  That said, I still love trains.  The rocking and bouncing is somehow soothing compared to the usual terror that those motions have with air travel.  I mean unless you are in India....how many people really go to meet the great conductor in the sky when traveling by train?  Don’t look it up....you won’t like the answer.  It’s worth the risk to listen to the sullen and bored “milk coffee” lady knock on your cabin door at 6 am.  Again, that top berth thing can be challenging but somehow it all works out.   So, I would encourage you to give the train a try if you haven’t in awhile especially if you are 5 feet 11 and a half or shorter...

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