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Monday, July 14, 2014

Hanoi with Love

Imagine the scene if you can.  About 30 wacky 14 and 15 years olds running in a huge group yelling in English and holding signs that say "Free Hugs".  There are not a lot of English speakers at all in Hanoi.  Even fewer can read English, so people young and old didn't exactly get the program on this one.  Young children screamed and ran to their parents, old people pushed and shoved the "huggists" out of the way.  Especially confusing was sign holder number three in the photo.  It was more than likely a well intended English class field trip that went South on them.  It looks like from the uniforms it was one of those snobby private schools where the rich kids go.  By the end of the sidewalk, lets say about 200 yards, the love fest was called off.  Just too much fear involved too early in the morning. That's ok because they all stopped at the ice cream stand a few yards away to lick their wounds and the signs went in a big bag. Not a bad shot at community love really, they just need some fine tuning I think.

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