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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Traffic Dance

Sitting at one of my favorite tables at Duy Tu Hung restaurant at the intersection of Hang Chieu and Hang Lo ma in Hanoi is an education of sorts.  Actually, it’s an intersection of 3 streets that form a funnel into a small opening that was part of the walled city in Hanoi hundreds of years ago.  It took a couple of days to stop the groaning and gasping as the scooters, cars, people, and bikes all fired into the center of the intersection at break neck speed.  Let it be said that I have plenty of respect for those who conquer fear.  A soldier, bull rider, bull fighter, that first date meeting the dad, yep,  all those folks are truly brave.  Now, I have added the old lady carrying a couple of hundred pounds on a stick balanced on her shoulder and a delivery guy with 15 propane bottles balanced on a Vespa to that list.   There are rules....I suppose.  I just cannot seem to figure out what they are other than don’t slow down and don’t hesitate.  Somehow all the objects stay in motion and it’s rare that anyone misses their step in the dance.  The lesson taken for the table  may be never to take your eye off the target...and remember that fortune favors the brave...  

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