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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Hoan Kiem Lake Fan Dancers

Fan Dancers

Having a strong coffee at my favorite cafe in Hanoi on the shores of Hoan Kiem Lake early in the morning provides some great visual stimulation to start the day.  Zumba, Jazzercise, and aerobics are all fine ways to burn some fat and get the heart beating and blood flowing.  I must admit that my experience is limited with those art forms but I would have to say that the Hoan Kiem Lake fan dancers  would have to be right up there as a new addition to the exercise craze.  About 20 older Women moving in some short of rhythmic unison without any apparent leader makes you stand in amazement.  the bright yellow hand fans snap out at designated positions during the dance and causes everyone around to look up and take notice.  We are talking Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader type snapping here.
Not to be outdone in the quest for eternal health is an elderly gentleman that is performing some high impact rather violent calisthenics while seated on a stone bench.  The routine would sicken the most experienced fighter pilot and certainly generates something in the neighborhood of 4 to 5 G’s.  He throws himself backwards on the bench with both arms raised and then tries to tuck his head under the seat of the bench. He does this over and over as fast as he can.  25 to 30 times without a break or a slowing.  No pain on gain I guess.

There is a unique serenity to this place in the morning.  No one seems to worry about what they look like or what they have on.  Certainly no one is coming out here to “be seen”.  The silence in the middle of the chaos is wonderful.

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