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Thursday, July 10, 2014

I have big Dong

Well, maybe not but I am fairly confident that I have more dong that you....at least right now.  I will leave it to others to judge which is more important in the long run.   I know just about everyone who has ever been to a Vietnamese restaurant  anywhere has reached into their pockets and realized they were short on Dong.  Yes, it's happened to me too.  Dong gonnit! Not enough jack, coin, mulla, or  greenbacks.  Well, ladies...Just an FYI.  That will not happen if you are with me.  At least today.  I'm loaded to the count of  "13, 754,000 DONG".  you are reading it right.  I have millions.  So, just keep that in mind.   Please don't get too heavy in currency conversion or it could shackle my buzz.  Let's just say that a single Dong is pretty tiny.....super small.....how about doesn't exist.  So while there is absolutely no disputing the fact that I have big Dong.  It may not be completely up to international standards.  As with all travelers and their Dong, they are soon parted.  And so it goes....

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