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Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Wicked Streets of Saigon

Tonight was not one of those nights you would like to tell people about.  Unfortunately, they do happen.  Maybe that is one of the things I seemed to like about Hanoi and other smaller cities...they seemed safer than Ho Chi Minh.  Tonight I was first hand witness to two purse snatchings within about 10 minutes.  Both were off of the back of a motor bike and both of the grabbers were women.  It was like some surreal slow motion event that literally unfolds 15 feet from your face.  I was having some dinner at a sidewalk cafe

and bang the first one happened.  The young western woman had a small purse hanging on her "street side" and within a half second it was gone.  There is a good chance I will always remember her boyfriend running as hard as he could after the bike down the street.  The second was just a few moments later in almost the same place but different perps.  This time the woman was not sure what happened to her for a couple of minutes.  The Vietnamese/Texan lady from the restaurant told her her bag went that way.  The worst part of the entire thing is that the locals and shop owners clapped on the first one.  Clapped!  I'm still pissed about it.  I guess all the smiles in the world can't hide what some people think.  Certainly, not all were clapping but it did quickly bring me back to reality.   I suddenly realized how completely lax I have been over the last couple of weeks.  Camera slung over my shoulder on the wrong side.  My bag on the table in front of me.  I know better but it's amazing how you just want to leave those apprehensions and fears behind and enjoy the day.  Now keep in mind I was robbed twice in two days in Houston not three days before I came here so thieves are certainly multinational.  Beware out there everyone.  Don't let fear blind you from what virtue there is but keep up the guard unless you want to leave it to the security guard.  Just try to wake him up first. 

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