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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Parking Lot Prep

One of the best parts of Burning Man is the preparation and excitement in Fernley.  For a few days each year the Walmart in Fernley becomes a complete circus.  Tons of people buying everything under the sun.  Some are already in Costume.  It’s just amazing to see the mutant vehicles and supplies all tied, piled, and taped to every kind of vehicle from rainbow VW buses to huge semi tractors with pirate ships on the back.   Walmart has always been flexible with the use of their parking lot but this group was my favorite.  It looks like these dudes want to get a jump on some last minute construction.  Jumping off tomorrow into Caravansary 2014.  Maybe a post or two from the playa if the station is up.  Oh, and thanks for the suggestions on DOWN WITH DAVE challenge.  I did manage a nice outside slider before I left the campground.  It didn’t connect but I know Dave will take notice next time I pull in.

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