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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Eastern Sierra and Rats

It was a long road day today but as always it was worth the drive.  There is something magical about the Eastern side of the Sierras.  The difference between the East and West is not huge in distance but the ecosystems are galaxies apart.  Yosemite and Kings Canyon are filled with green and cliffs and domes and huge trees in the West  and the East is brown and rocky and purple in the sun.  One of the biggest differences is the number of people.  The Eastern side is mainly filled with tourists who wondered why they went to death valley and are now trying to get to the other side so they can join everyone else.  They miss the beauty and desolation that is here.  CA 395 is the road and I would recommend it all the way.  Little towns filled with characters who choose to live in this world dot the highway as you head North.   I'm in the biggest of those towns right now.. Bishop, CA.  Mostly, outdoor shops and motels to cater to the flow of tourists heading West in Bishop.   It was shower and Chinese night so no forest for me.  I love Bishop but things always change.  I can't seem to find the Mountain Light Gallery.  I think it's gone.  I guess everyone forgets and moves on from even Galen Rowell photography At the motel the receptionist lady was a Burner and understood how important it is the keep the Rat close.  Take a look.  Tomorrow is forest again and then on to Reno.....  I'm putting it all on Black and then to Black Rock City and home.

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