Come follow the action. Add yourself as a follower and get your invitation details.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

One Photo # 31, Life Lesson 3429-17

No matter how old we are there are always things to learn.  I have decided to impart my recent Life Lesson to all that will listen.  Old # 3429-17 is a solid one that I want all of you to remember.  It will save you fear and pain.

Never, I mean never, leave your experimental cocktail lab/kitchen clean up for later.  Most certainly not 3 days later.  That means even if you had 12 hours off after 14 days of work and had to go back to work at midnight.  Basking in your cocktail glory will not make the ugly scene better when you return.  I will be sending a sample of the lime/sugar/sprite/tequila residue to Elon Musk and his space X project.  Intriguing to say the least.  Do I tackle it now or do I put it off and just lick the spoons?  Any thoughts.  Finally does anyone think that 3 day old cut limes look a little like Donald Trump?  

Monday, January 30, 2017

One Photo # 30, The Competition

Some soothing from the bottle and a few self help tapes and I have come out of the despair that is being a loser.  I found this photo and now wonder which two of these shifty con artists beat my time.  I guess the hat dance and fireworks will have to wait for a more presentation friendly event.  Dang it.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

One Photo # 29, Alternative Voter Facts

It was a tough fight  Not one for the faint of heart.  I was not aware of the complete rules and was forced into a blind taste test.  My prep was super and I was not able to bring my full "man thang" to bare on the situation.  Still, I was not all together unhappy.  I will serve at the pleasure of the followers and will endeavor to persevere,  Still I did win the popular vote.  

Saturday, January 28, 2017

One Photo # 28, The Podium

I'm sure at some point they have all felt it...  That dry mouthed wonder of "what would it be like?" to be up there alone and basking in the glory.  Phelps, Bolt, Spitz, Lewis, and even Rulon Gardner.  The big Jefe, Numero UNO, The big Cheese. # 1.  I gazed at the podium today and wondered about my battle tomorrow..."The Drink Off".  Would it be good enough?  Too much of this?, not enough of that? Maddening I tell you.  Tonight stress and pressure will be my lovers.  I must find the light and push on the perfect cocktail.   So.... send me the energy my friends...a rabbits foot, maybe some candles, or even a buddha rub... We will share glory together..   

Friday, January 27, 2017

One Photo # 27 Mixology Practice

I suppose you could say, it's been awhile since my competitive juices have been stimulated.   It's still alive of course but without a tennis court for miles it's been let's say...dormant.  Until today.  I have accepted the challenge of entering the "High Sierra, drink and steak off"  which is the final showdown of the Chili cook off.  I'm not grilling at this but only doing my mixology.  Yes, my secret entry....The Miles Mexican Martini.  It's true I hold the secret tight.  One must in this day of espionage.  It was handed down to me by a blind, deaf, mute Mexican Buddhist Monk named Sergey.  We communicated through a series of coughs and grunts that warm humid night...He was entrusted the secret by his great aunt....Marco....during the revolution.  You see this mix was Poncho's only favorite.  So on Sunday I will twist it up for the judges and see if they too can see the perfection.  Practice makes perfect....or something like that.  Stay thirsty my friends....

One Photo #26 Terlingua Rest Stop

A roadside rest area....Terlingua Style.  

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

One Photo #25 Simple

There are some things that resonate with a person every once in awhile. Especially those folks who live in the desert.  I'm not sure I consider myself one right now... but the quest for solitude and privacy seems to be paramount in this strange and unique part of the world.   Have you ever wanted to hear the wind or a coyote howl?  Like right now..as I'm writing?  Not for everyone and most likely not for most.  But that once or twice in your life I would encourage you to color outside the lines and explore that piece of yourself you always knew was there.   

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

One Photo #24 Dishes

Being a mature, somewhat educated person, ( I can still do my 8's by heart), I have come to understand some of the more unkind laws of nature.  Such as, your favorite wine glass will eventually break, your buttered toast always falls face down...in dog hair..even if you don't have a dog..thus negating the 3 second rule, if it's a computer thang and you are over 50 it will ass kick you, and dishes will always shackle your cooking buzz.  Now being the hot plate gourmet, I don't usually cook the "normal fare",  no meatloaf, or spaghetti for this cowboy.  No, I cook things that require every utensil, dish, and ramequin in my arsenal.  Because that is how Gordon Ramsey and Chef Chin do it.  And so it goes.  So, why do the fickle cooking gods have such a sick sense of humor and leave you with the brick turd of dishes.  Right when you thought you were more than a sandwich man.  Those vague attempts to impress the delicate female types with your renaissance cooking abilities only to be crash landed when you get to the cleaning part.  "Oh I will help you clean up..which is short for 20 more minutes and I'm out of here",  Or I will leave it for later and let's relax on the couch....to the smell of charred meat and asparagus... 30 minutes on that one.  So... I am taking an official pole.

Clean up right now?

Wait and see what happens?

I'm hoping for a unisex response on this.

Winners will be announced at the next "alternative facts" news conference.   

Monday, January 23, 2017

The Hot Plate Gourmet Uno

I have wanted to do a video of this for a long time.  Needless to say this is not a video.  But..that does not diminish the artistry of the "Hot Plate Gourmet".  I have been cooking on this funny thing for some time.  The 9.99 version I find superior to the extravagant  models in the 14.99 to 19.99 price range.  Maybe it's the traditional stuff, I just don't know.  So, tonight it was Tamago in a square pan with sautéed shrimp, onions, carrots, and some yum yum sauce.... eat your heart out multi setting gas/electric on demand, laser sensor heat control freaks....the purist will prevail...

Sunday, January 22, 2017

One Photo # 22, The Baby is Back

After a two years in moth balls and not getting any younger the baby is back.  She is feeling better and is running a little sloppy but getting better.  Thanks to all of you for your kind thoughts on her condition.  We will be seeing more of her in the time to come as she gets her groove back on.   Here is a recent photo of her up and around and an old one of her in make up and dressed to the nines...Ou La La.  

Saturday, January 21, 2017

One Photo #21, Blow Me

It was one of those odd desert days out here in Terlingua.  Fresh off of Sashimi and tennis, I was confronted with Gale force winds at OM today.  In fact my neighbor who shall remain nameless had his roof blow off.  Which of coursed caused a power outage for the entire town. Now Findley, whoops, was not around so it took a few hours to track the hobby resident down and get permission to fix the issue.  No worries, the trucks showed up with the chop saws and life returned to normal.  Breath easy...the roof of OM, the ByMiles World HQ withstood the on slot with no damage.  The hot tub is now one small step closer.  Any thoughts on a diving board?  

Friday, January 20, 2017

One Photo #20, Desert Sashimi

Living in Terlingua can be very strange at times.  Like tonight.  I'm sitting at the computer and watching the Aussie Open...live and eating some tasty sashimi in front of the screen.  Yep, nothing like a little raw fish in the middle of the desert.  Domo...ya'll.  

Thursday, January 19, 2017

One Photo # 19 ,The best Coke in the world

Now this seems like a regular drink we have all seen most of our lives....right?  NO far from it.  This is the "Mexican Coke".  What is in it?  Who knows.  It's sweeter, more tasty, more alive and certainly goes better with that favorite rum.  Yep...no comparison.  Near the border... a smooth "Mexican coke" will most certainly...spice up your evening... Have a "DOTY" and enjoy.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

One Photo # 17 Fouquieria splendens

Fouquieria splendens, otherwise known as Ocotillo in my neck of the woods.  It's a narly plant that turns green and blooms these amazing colored flowers.  Like all things that have color in the desert...it has thorns.  I am thinking to myself that might be true of most things.  OM or Ocotillo Mesa (World HQ of ByMiles) is full of them.  Hence the name, right?  Maybe a few less now, thanks to "death by septic tank".  This is  the view at sunset.  The colors look a lot like the blossoms....

Monday, January 16, 2017

One Photo #16 DIY Day at OM

DIY?  I didn't even know what that meant a few months ago.  Now I am deep into the DIY plumbing and electrical work at OM.  Not sure about some of this power stuff so I will keep you posted or....not about how it goes.  Beautiful day in the desert today for a little trenching and some water and power.  Remember...there is nothing to fear but fear itself.....and 200
amps.  The hot tub is close.  

Sunday, January 15, 2017

One Photo # 15 Stop...Really

Have you  ever noticed how every once in awhile life just makes stupid. Yes.. "Makes Stupid".  You are completely ok with your little closed in world and life jumps up and says something ridiculous like...STOP.  I'm wondering why this chase car woman was so tense about anyone stopping for the worlds biggest fan blade.  I could use that size fan out in Terlingua in the less than freezing desert air.  Please remember to just STOP if big things get in your way...if you wait a minute someone just might turn the sign around to ...SLOW.

Friday, January 13, 2017

One Photo # 13. A Civilized World

Living on out on the edge you come to appreciate the little things that seem to come up every once in awhile.  A chance grocery store meeting is all that is needed to brighten the world.  Really.  To all those who know what a little "Bargain" means ... A toast to all that is enjoyable... Proust.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

One Photo #12. The Coming of the Land Yacht

Big day today in the By Miles category.   A new adventure craft is added to the fleet.  I am now the Captain of a 38 foot brand spanking almost new Asphalt cruiser.  It will be docked at the World HQ of By Miles.  At OM otherwise known as Ocotillo Mesa.  Stay tuned for sailing dates and other notices.  Just the insides for now.  RRRRRR Matie.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

One Photo #11, The meal

Yes.  A "Local Pizza Delivery" can be weak.  Jimmy's is "weak".  So go with what the locals do...Dine In.  More to come.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

One Photo #10The Martinez... Downstairs

My new favorite Craft Cocktail.  The Martinez.  A prohibition version of the Martini.  This is the best one I have ever had.  If you are in San Antonio go down to "The Downstairs" under the Esquire on the river.  Let Hank make you something amazing.   This guy has only  been a bartender for 4 months.  But..as he says...In training all his life.   Quiet, and dark and a little bit eclectic.  You just might love it.  

Monday, January 9, 2017

One Photo #9 Long Way Home

I don't think we look up often enough from our lives.  Realize the magic around you...please.  Not a great day today in a lot of ways.  Don't forget to hug the ones you love..

Sunday, January 8, 2017

One Photo # 8 Economy Car

I've been thinking about an new car.  Well, lets say a different car.   What do you think?  Certainly, smaller....easier to park than a big truck.....better gas mileage....but true, might need some paint.  I figured how much it costs to run my vehicle just in the sprite of downsizing and HOLY CASH COW BATMAN... You could live in another country for  what we pay for the privilege of driving here.   I have lived a few places in cities where I didn't have a car and I have to say..after the initial shock, it was nice.  Do you think you could live here without one?  I wonder?

Saturday, January 7, 2017

One Photo # 7 Late Night Feast EMS style

EMS is a funny activity.  Most of the time it's clock watching mind numbing boredom, followed by dry mouthed,  adrenaline pumping,  shear terror.  Some times you get your ass kicked and some times on rare occasions you "kick ass"  Tonight I got both of those all wrapped up one nasty call.  No details...Mr HIPPA is watching, but enough to say ....there was a win in spite of it all.    So now I go from dinner with the champ  last night, to dinner with the tramp.  Paperwork and a microwave tortilla.   Don't take your life for granted.  It could change in the blink of an eye.  AND ALWAYS WEAR THE DAMN SEAT BELT.  

Friday, January 6, 2017

One Photo #6 Dinner with the Champ

There is something magical about a private dinner with a World Champion.  There is awkward shyness, a sense of awe, and maybe some hero worship going on.  You just can't help it..right?  Tonight was just such a night.  I'm not talking about Roger Federer or a Payton Manning...no no.  Not even a Chicago Cub...  Tonight I had dinner with the World Champion Chili Cookoff winner in the Terlingua Chili Cookoff.  Stop crying you chiliheads...Man up.  The Champ and I shared some love tonight.  A quiet respect I would say.  It's one of the perks of having a Chili insider as a landlord.  One bag of ground gold and juice.  A few special add ons and it was the night of a lifetime.  Raise one to the Champ.  Long live the King...

Thursday, January 5, 2017

One Photo # 5 Downsizing

Today marks the 2381 time I have thought about downsizing my life.  I have an attached a photo to prove that is big stuff in my life.  Now, I don't want to brag but I have done this painful exercise many times.  Perhaps some of you remember how painful it was...  Over and over you realize how useless most of the thing are in your life and how much a voice keeps  telling you to "kick them to the curb". What is it about giving up things you vaguely think are important but you can't for a minute support the claim...?  I would not be a good one to ask.  So, if anything in that photo is yours....remind me...if you want it...Tell me why.... and if you have no idea why anyone would keep that shit....please provide a convincing argument.  TOP PRIZE for this contest will be "my stuff becomes your stuff"...

If you could only take a small box when the boat when down....what would you take.....

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

One Day #4 A First Light

There is something magic about getting something done.  Granted construction in Terlingua is like nothing you have ever seen...believe me.  But a small finish makes for a wonderful evening.  A small fire and just chilling under the structure.  Sooner or later it will become the current World HQ of ByMiles.  For now it's some steel and concrete and a place.  So, how could a fire be wrong on an early January night.   A toast to OM and what lays ahead.  

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

One Photo #3 Looking Up

Indian Head is one of my favorite places out here in the high desert.  Petroglyphs and pictographs are all over the place.  The amazing part of it is that it's just a mile from where I live.  This morning was ridiculous.  Blue sky and bright sun and not a person as far as you can see.  Just the view of the Chisos in the distance.

As I was walking/hiking or doing whatever the online fitness software said...I realized that I was always looking down.  I had hiked this trail a hundred times and now found it common place...looking down.  For some reason I stopped and came to grips with the awe that was screaming at me.  One photo will never do it justice and was never meant to....the drive of the New Year and the fit bit tried to mask the magic of the "next day".  The message Crystal clear....stop looking for the message!   Just look up and keep moving toward what you want....

                                                                            To a slow dance around the world

Monday, January 2, 2017

One photo #2 Sharing the LOVE

A New Year finds us confronted with new beginnings.  A time to reflect on current lifestyles and missed opportunities.  That is my dilemma this evening as I push to a new more robust horizon.  Those of you who know me....will ponder the photo today.  Is that just a bad exposure or is that wine a little maroon.   Yes, it's true.  Having said I would become more tolerant the the things of color...I have decided to explore.  Now red wine has always had a place in my heart.  We have embraced and enjoyed each others company before....brief....torrid... and often times violent.  Since those days of the "bottomless" wine glass at Caruso's in Dallas and the parking lot encounter...if you are reading you might remember.  What impetuous High Schoolers we were then?  So...La Crema it's not good bye...only farewell for a time.  Tough choices only make one stronger.....Until we meet again.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Day 1. The Pea Off

Does anyone have some angst over the first day of the year?  I mean after you get over the hang over and the party hats.  You always hear about the stress and expectations people put on themselves on Day 1 of a New Year.  Yep.  I have that one.  Those failures are etched in my memory many times over.  This year is a "different" year.  It seems that each one that passes gets more different.  Ok, this year I'm going to get back out into the world and see what the universe has to give me.  Wow.  There you go...an expectation of something.   This year I'm going to say "YES" to everything I can.  And ...I'm going to drink more red wine....

"No matter what your resources...the world is yours to the exact degree that you summon up the fortitude and the faith to leave orthodoxy and convention behind and invent your own life."

The Terlingua Pea off and a road side Santa....  Let the games begin....