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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

One Photo #24 Dishes

Being a mature, somewhat educated person, ( I can still do my 8's by heart), I have come to understand some of the more unkind laws of nature.  Such as, your favorite wine glass will eventually break, your buttered toast always falls face down...in dog hair..even if you don't have a dog..thus negating the 3 second rule, if it's a computer thang and you are over 50 it will ass kick you, and dishes will always shackle your cooking buzz.  Now being the hot plate gourmet, I don't usually cook the "normal fare",  no meatloaf, or spaghetti for this cowboy.  No, I cook things that require every utensil, dish, and ramequin in my arsenal.  Because that is how Gordon Ramsey and Chef Chin do it.  And so it goes.  So, why do the fickle cooking gods have such a sick sense of humor and leave you with the brick turd of dishes.  Right when you thought you were more than a sandwich man.  Those vague attempts to impress the delicate female types with your renaissance cooking abilities only to be crash landed when you get to the cleaning part.  "Oh I will help you clean up..which is short for 20 more minutes and I'm out of here",  Or I will leave it for later and let's relax on the couch....to the smell of charred meat and asparagus... 30 minutes on that one.  So... I am taking an official pole.

Clean up right now?

Wait and see what happens?

I'm hoping for a unisex response on this.

Winners will be announced at the next "alternative facts" news conference.   

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