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Monday, January 2, 2017

One photo #2 Sharing the LOVE

A New Year finds us confronted with new beginnings.  A time to reflect on current lifestyles and missed opportunities.  That is my dilemma this evening as I push to a new more robust horizon.  Those of you who know me....will ponder the photo today.  Is that just a bad exposure or is that wine a little maroon.   Yes, it's true.  Having said I would become more tolerant the the things of color...I have decided to explore.  Now red wine has always had a place in my heart.  We have embraced and enjoyed each others company before....brief....torrid... and often times violent.  Since those days of the "bottomless" wine glass at Caruso's in Dallas and the parking lot encounter...if you are reading you might remember.  What impetuous High Schoolers we were then?  So...La Crema it's not good bye...only farewell for a time.  Tough choices only make one stronger.....Until we meet again.

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