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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

One Photo # 31, Life Lesson 3429-17

No matter how old we are there are always things to learn.  I have decided to impart my recent Life Lesson to all that will listen.  Old # 3429-17 is a solid one that I want all of you to remember.  It will save you fear and pain.

Never, I mean never, leave your experimental cocktail lab/kitchen clean up for later.  Most certainly not 3 days later.  That means even if you had 12 hours off after 14 days of work and had to go back to work at midnight.  Basking in your cocktail glory will not make the ugly scene better when you return.  I will be sending a sample of the lime/sugar/sprite/tequila residue to Elon Musk and his space X project.  Intriguing to say the least.  Do I tackle it now or do I put it off and just lick the spoons?  Any thoughts.  Finally does anyone think that 3 day old cut limes look a little like Donald Trump?  

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