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Monday, April 23, 2012

Bocas Rain

It was a long slow steady rain.  Not the kind that makes you uncomfortable but one that kind of soothes you without giving in.  That was Bocas Del Toro, Panama today.  The most interesting thing today was the fact that the rain didn't bother me.  I guess its staying in a place longer than I usually do and not feeling that somehow my experience was diminished by some rain drops. Maybe the opposite can be said for the Noise factory next door....5 days of this....     There is a quiet calm to being in a place long enough to know your way around and have a few people on the street look familiar to you.  Another amazing thing is the passage of people that go through this little hotel from day to day.  Douglas the owner is a very different kind of guy.  Very nice and attentive but he really has other things to do than associate with his guests.  After 10 years I assume that is the way anyone would want it.  So, tonight the dinner choices are a bit limited but all good.  Maybe the wine bar for a drink and some more incredible Indian food at OM.

Or maybe just go back home on work on the latest best unknown literary underachievement .  "9 Degrees South".



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