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Monday, April 16, 2012

Downtown at the Denver Diner

Every city has it's late night hotspots. Austin used to have Katz's now locked up, and the Magnolia. Baton Rouge had the funky waffle house on the highway which for a long while was one of my personal favorites. Of course its hard to beat the Clover in the Quarter in New Orleans if you think about characters. Even the little places have their entries. How about the Dairy Palace in Canton? Really the food is good all over the place but the thing that sets them apart are the folks inside. Clientele as they say. The wide variety of cuisine can be mind numbing late at night with just a hint of peach vodka circulating the medulla. My personal favorite these days is the steady eatery.... The Denver Diner. The DD has the prerequisite 285 menu items from meatballs to grits. Numerous street characters come in and dine day and night and the wait staff is bitchy enough to scare just about anyone. If you get a chance and you're hanging around near downtown Denver on some snowy night head on over to Colfax and get a cup of joe and a triple decker club with extra cheese. Go on I dare you....


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