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Friday, April 20, 2012

Hola to the Banana Republic

What makes a banana republic?  It was once a very cool travel store...very cool.. Those of you who remember the Khaki jacket....yes, I wish I had it back.  Maybe it's a rhythm that comes from the culture and it's close love affair with water.  I'm just not sure....  Today was exploring the town of Bocas  and the multitude of small hotels planted around the city.  No guidebook could to this justice.  There are so many and most are quaint and wonderful.  None more than my crib, the Cocomos.  Last night I talked to a 23 year old restaurant owner, a young lady who was brought to Panama by sailing partners nine years ago and a cheeky Spanish bartender named Jaime who makes a killer Martini.   Ok?  Question.

What makes us afraid to travel?  What is it?  Time?  Security? Money? Bacteria?  (yuk).  Tell me.  I will be holding a contest and sending a prize.  From Panama of course.

PLEASE PLEASE  think about "Sliding in Sideways"... Tell me if you haven't heard that one...

Ciao from the Banana Republic,


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