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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Baggage Bobsled Guanajuato Style

Living with a view is a wonderful thing.  The lights of the city or the vistas of a mountain valley always get me going.  The views from the Casa Pipila high on the hill in Guanajuato is right up there with some of the best ever.  That is the good news.  Now for the bad news....Just two words sums it up.   "ASS KICKING".  Say it with me...."ASS KICKING".   Heart pounding, leg burning, knee melting ass kicking.    As my stay at Pipila was winding down,  I was pulled into the mind numbing fear of how I was going to get my truck load of crap out of there.  It was a huge climb to the road above.  We are talking some altitude here.  You have to lift and carry going up right?  Physical Science was not my specialty but I do have more pain receptors than the average Joe.  The other option, a Frans Klammer type downhill run down the super steep, rock covered, uneven steps of the Hahnenkamm of Guanajuato.  (1976 Winter Olympic gold medal run.  Innsbruick, Austria).  Come on sports fans!   I chose the later and put my fate in the hands of gravity.

Downhill momentum can be a wonderful thing, sometimes.  No doubt locals trying to come up the alleyways on this run would think differently.  It was a high speed, mostly out of control, bone jarring bounce to the bottom.  Fear of death aside, I had made the right decision.

I was a low life, flat lander again.  No more steps, slopes, or climbs for me.  I now even look at the step in the bathroom with some reservation.  Level is difficult in a city like GTO but I'm dedicated now.   Flat is beautiful.  Well, in most things.   So, when you come here, and you really should because there is no place like it, bring a good pair of shoes, extra nitro for the ticker, and a flashlight.  Power doesn't like the hills either.  

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