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Monday, July 4, 2016

Sometimes a pigeon, sometimes not

We have all had those days.  I mean you know....those days.  When life reminds you that you are nothing but a one legged bus station pigeon.  I'm talking about those times when life throws you a lemon and you keep the stiff upper life and try to make lemonade, only to find out you have no ice, no glass, and the lemon is filled with worms.  Yes...you are a one legged bus station pigeon.  Noticing the interior wildlife at the Zihuatenjo bus station today I realized it's still good to put up the noble fight.  Inspiring you might say.  So the take home from this is ....no matter how much you feel like the one legged bus station pigeon,  fight for the scrapes anyway.  Sometimes you just wear the opposition out.  

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