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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Family on the Hill

That sounds a lot like a Walton episode title doesn't it?  I can see John Boy bringing a Sunday lunch package to those folks and saying welcome.  You always want to meet the neighbors.   Yesterday I got some solid confirmation of what I was pretty sure was going on.   I live on "La Loma", and La Loma belongs to "La Familia".   Nope, not the Walton's but that other family.  The one that hangs their competitors upside down from bridges.   The taxi driver was afraid to come up to my house.  Now that was the first time that happened but I did get checked out by cartel guys a couple of days ago.  Two 20 year olds came by on Motorbikes as I was outside.  They slowed and watched me for a minute. Then went down the hill for a bit and pulled walkie talkies out of their pockets and radioed somewhere.  A minute later another guy comes down on a bike and was much better dressed.   He stopped and asked me all these questions about me and why I was here.  It was  in a round about way.  He said he was looking for an address.  LOL.  I'm certain if I saw me in the street in Mexico I would think, "oh sure this guy looks like a local, I bet he knows where this place it?"  Anyway,  I'm farther down the hill so it's closer to the Funerales Alvares.  You remember the 24 hour funeral home and casket take out place.  Makes sense really.  A vertically integrated industry.  They can get paid on either end.    It might be time to move on in  a few days.  I mean family is important but.....

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