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Saturday, July 16, 2016

Nacho and the Game

It usually starts around 6:00 PM just below my window on Purchecho street.  I know it is starting because I start hearing the random scream and yell.  That is about the time I make my way to the box seat I have on the balcony.    The street is narrow and slopes drastically to the busy main avenue below.  The game usually migrates from in front of the little store front to my section of street after a few minutes.  You see the slope and the tradition that the younger kids have to fetch the ball, makes it dangerous for the rookies near the fast moving avenue.  You have to take care of your players as any good manager would tell you.

Everyone has their favorite players, right?  Maybe it's a Rolando, Romo, or LeBron.  I could have chosen the tall lanky guy of about 15 with his signature behind the back moves.  Or the shorter kid with the perfect knowledge of how to play the ball off of the side of the buildings.  Sure they would be solid choices.  However, my favorite guy is Nacho.  Nacho is a solid young man of about six.  He is in the green Jersey with a 9 on the back today.  Nacho has considerable skills for his age.  The older boys know it too.  He mans up with the best of them.  Taking a ball in the nuts or mouth without much more than a whimper.  Occasionally his shoe will come untied which requires the service of an older teammate to fix but Nacho can hold his own.  Why even today during the game he withstood a wicked ball to the face that sent him to the cobblestones.  He also endured a sneak attack from yellow kid.  Yellow kid always wears yellow and is dirty as they come.  When an errant kick flies into the old ladies
garden, it's Nacho who is elected to knock on the door.    Pound for pound my Nacho is the meanest dog in the fight.  When the ballots come out I urge you to consider Nacho for the all La Loma Team.

Right now he is driving to the goal...driving....GO GO GO   OWWWW GOOOOOOOAL!!!!! SCORRRRRRRRE!  

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