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Thursday, July 21, 2016

Which way is NAPA?

As I was sitting and contemplating the origins of life.  I was also thinking about home.  The burring question in my mind was simple.  "Why does wine in Mexico suck like a 12 HP Black and Decker Shop Vac?"  Why?  I mean they have the arts, culture, good food, and the second richest dude in the world at times.  The city I'm in, Guanajuato, has every imaginable fine restaurant and hotel.  The most romantic city in Mexico by far.  So, it stand to reason that they would have good wine.  HELL, the Spanish from across the pond have good wine.  LIPS knocked down some liters of same on trips to Pamplona.  (Louisiana International Pleasure Society).  So what happened?  It must be some trade agreement.  They don't even have wine from Argentina most places.  Don't they speak Spanish?  Only Mexican wine or Chilean varieties.  Now that gives me a wine woodie,  Chile can stomp a pretty good grape but that quality doesn't seem to get to Mexico.

The best wine I have had in Mexico was in Zihau and it was from California.  How it got to Mexico one can only guess.  I imagine a portly woman with bottles of Sonoma duct taped to her thighs pushing the big red customs button in the Mexico City airport.  I just don't know why they choose to torture themselves.   I am far from a wine connoisseur.   How far you ask?  How far is NAPA.  No, I'm not, really.  I'm drinking a glass  of Chilean swill right now.  Perhaps it's because I'm afraid to drink the tap water,  I do not know.   So, Mr. Trump if you build that wall please put a hole in it somewhere around Nogales and let them run a few cases on down here.  It may eliminate the need for a wall.  Our South of the border friends, and they are friends, may be just looking for a semi with good legs, and some hint of pear.  

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