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Sunday, July 3, 2016

La Reyna de Masaje de la Playa la Ropa

Or...the queen of massage on La Ropa beach.....or....something like that.  Few things are more enjoyable than a good firm massage.  Nothing is more enjoyable than a good firm massage in a beach tent with the breeze blowing for less than 20 bucks for an hour and half.   La Ropa must be the mothership for massage in the state of Guerro.  Every few yards seems to be a massage tent.  The rubbistas.  (my new word) are more aggressive than five mothers with girl scout cookies.  I mean ferocious.  Cards in hand they ID you before you hit the sand and lay in wait for you to get within striking distance.   After being robbed the first day at the hotel, it was apparent that there was some consumer advantage by shopping around.   The informed consumer I had become finally paid off in finding Mariel.  After some hand to hand combat to get into her tent, I was completely impressed.  In fact it got to the point that the two competing rubbista tents were actually trying to out do each other.  Really.....a consumer paradise.  So, if you come to Zihuatenajo any time soon.  go to the South end of La Ropa and find the tent.  Ask for Mariel.  Her semi sadistic blood letting leg massage will make you glad you did.  The gallon of oil she bastes you in is included.  Vaya con Dios mis amigos.  

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